A Day in the Life, Being A Grown Up, House & Home

Purge: Part the first

Well I began purging stuff today while Mini was in school this morning. A bit surprisingly, I didn’t have much to purge, clothing-wise at least. Most of my clothing fits at least decently and considering I had just done laundry it was pretty clear that I wear a great deal of what I own. I did toss some pieces that didn’t fit the last time I went to wear them (I’d tossed them in the back of my closet knowing I’d be purging soon). I went through some of my t-shirts even and there were several there that I probably could have gotten rid of but, being that I (very loosely) follow the KonMari method, most of my t-shirts are special to me because I actually own very few of them. Even if they don’t fit the way I’d prefer they do fit and they make me happy to wear them. I did switch all the hangers in my closet around (except for seasonal and specific pieces like dresses) so I’ll be able to see by next year any pieces I haven’t worn.

After I finished most of the clothing (still have pajamas to go through but got waylaid by Mini), I started on a pile of assorted nonsense that had collected over the last few months in our bedroom. Legitimately, a pile of nonsense. It was stuff for tabletop, crochet projects, paperwork that was waiting to be gone through for trash/shred/file purposes, all kinds of stuff. It was about 3 feet tall and 3 feet across in bins and boxes and bags. I managed to get it all sorted out, a few bags of trash later, a bag waiting to hit the shredder (I seriously need to invest in something like an industrial standing shredder for all the junk we get), and plans for other things.

(In medias res)

I still have a lot more to go through but I feel pretty good about what I managed to get done in only a few hours. Seriously, I did a lot in the under 3 hour window I have when Mini is in school.

That being said…I still have Christmas decor up so I’m not exactly having a banner week. But I also need to get a new storage box and I realized this while staring at our new tree. It didn’t have a box when we bought it because we got a floor model because we wanted that specific tree (it has a smaller footprint, looking really more like a decorative tree than a Christmas tree). Since it didn’t come with a box….we have nothing to put it away in. And of course I just realized this yesterday when I was thinking of taking it down. So I have to find a box to put it in before we can actually take it down. Whoops.

The lights outside got a new box this year too because we added some larger lawn-stake type lights to accent our sidewalk and they aren’t going to fit in our normal box. But also the string we put on the roof decided to have a large chunk of lights go out, no lie, on Christmas Eve. So those are going in the trash when we take lights down. But taking down Christmas is also a two-person job or it’ll take all day…having a toddler, I don’t have all day to do anything.

Once Christmas is down I have plenty of other things to clean out. Mini’s clothes, tons of toys (oh lord do we have toys. And a puppy that chews everything so several toys have already fallen victim to puppy teething), I do need to go through seasonal stuff like jackets for both Hubby and I, as well as our linen closet. Our sheets have ended up everywhere for some reason plus several sets have gotten pieces trashed so they should just be gotten rid of.

I probably will go through our books though I hesitate to do that because I love books more than just about anything in the world. We’re out of shelf space and our unfinished basement remains unfinished since we have a freeloader downstairs and no money to finish it.

One day I will have my library/office corner. One day….until then I’m hesitant to touch books for purging purposes.